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Attending to end of life issues is never easy, but one thing is certain: failing to address them will undoubtedly increase the difficulties that one's family and friends will have to face when the inevitable happens.  


Leaving a tidy estate generally involves two things: making a Will and writing a Letter of Wishes. Patricia C Byron has written two books, Last Orders and The Good Will Guide,  to help you tackle both.

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Brimful with invaluable information and money-saving suggestions, this book will not only serve as a guidebook and working document, it will also help you make vital, informed decisions about, not least, your funeral, finances and even your pet. It will offer you peace of mind and make a difficult subject easier for your family and executors.


Read, digest and complete Last Orders, and you will effectively be lending a helping hand at a time when your family needs you most. And, have no doubt, when the sad time comes, your family and executors will thank you endlessly for having taken the time to assist them.


Written and published in the UK, the ground-breaking Last Orders has been used by thousands of families across the UK and recommended to clients by the country's top tier law firms, Will-writers and financial advisors. It could save you, your family and executors money, time and an incalculable amount of stress and take most, if not all, of the guesswork out of administering your estate.







Your Executors' Guide to Your Letter of Wishes

By Patricia C Byron



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ISBN: 978-1910275450

120 pages,

28 x 21cm  Paperback

Published in February 2024 by
Stellar Books

RRP £14.99


To purchase one copy

£14.99 FREE P&P within the UK

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Written, published and printed in the UK.


ISBN: 978-1910275245

120 pages,

28 x 21cm  Hardback

Published in June 2019 by Stellar Books

RRP £19.99


To purchase one copy

£19.99 FREE P&P within the UK


The Professionals' reviews of Last Orders Second Edition



"Patricia C Byron’s excellent book is not about drafting a will but rather the importance of preparing a letter of wishes to your executors. 

Last Orders covers your wishes on every conceivable subject connected to death, such as funeral arrangements, details of assets, and other details to make life less costly and stressful for the executor. 

This book was written from the personal experience of deaths of people close to the author and the

consequent difficulties in making arrangements.  


In endorsing solicitors’ expertise, the author also explores the various options for making wills. We need
to read books like this to advise clients properly."




"‘Last Orders” is a very practical guide to prompting and guiding the discussion with family and friends about what you want when you die…..with its detailed guidelines and checklist [it] really is the perfect way to start the conversation… "

Manchester Law Society Messenger  excellent book written from the heart and life experiences of being an executor. As a member of the Society of Will Writers and Will Writer myself I see so many families who suffer the loss of loved ones and have no idea what to do once they have passed away, this shouldn’t be a taboo subject, families should talk about it and this book is the best guide to help them get their affairs in order. Lots of sound advice, guidelines and checklists on how to prepare and what to have in place, this will save hours of time as an executor to have all this information to hand. I would highly recommend this book to everyone, friends, family and clients."


Readers' reviews of Last Orders Second Edition 


"....there are so many useful nuggets of information and money-saving tips that I suspect that it has already paid for itself. Really like the hardback version too. It’s a lot easier to complete as it lays flat."

"A Must have!
Incredible book, incredible guidance and so easy to follow. At £20 and a hard back it is well worth the investment. A “must have” for every family."


"Brilliant book. I didn’t actually buy it for me but for my parents. They’ve just asked me to be executor of their two wills and I thought it would be useful to get a few things in place. It’s brought up all kinds of topics we hadn’t even considered. Well worth the money."

"This was recommended to me by my solicitor. It’s a bit daunting to go through but I am tackling it section by section. It seems comprehensive – and even over the top in parts – but actually, once you start reading it you realise that everything in it is completely relevant."



"Love this book! Simple to use but stacked with important stuff too. Hope it will help my family when I have kicked the bucket. I’ve just got to complete it now."


Having looked at both editions of this book, I was unsure whether this newer version would be worth the extra money but, as others have commented, it’s actually worth every penny. Stacks of useful information that would go under the radar unless it was pointed out. Also, knowing that I am leaving this book to my children to help sort out matters once I am gone. I don't begrudge the extra at all."


"Cannot fault it."


Last Orders Second Edition can be ordered in all good book shops


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All titles, written, printed and published within the UK

© 2024 Patricia C Byron



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